by Tom Stortz | Apr 22, 2020 | Installation, Roofing
Evergreen Slate Introduces the Centennial System Evergreen Slate has introduced a slate roofing system that re-thinks installation standards. Instead of the traditional nailing or hooking method, The Centennial System uses factory applied hook and loop strips on the...
by Tom Stortz | Aug 15, 2019 | Historical Preservation, Installation
The Missing Link? What happens when a board has to make a decision on a leaking, improperly installed, slate roof by a company that has since gone out of business? Read on to understand common misconceptions and errors made in real life scenarios regarding slate...
by Tom Stortz | Aug 14, 2019 | Installation, Maintenance
Misconception – A Slate Roof is too Heavy A homeowner is in need of a roof repair and must go through the many considerations with respect to finances, longevity, aesthetics, and what makes the most sense in that individual’s life. These decisions happen...
by admin | Jun 21, 2019 | Installation, Roofing
Project Spotlight: The Durable Slate CompanyBefore and After Home Transformation. If you’re aiming to make a big change in the appearance of a home, installing a slate roof is one sure way to accomplish that. A home built in the mid-50s in Upper Arlington, Ohio...
by admin | Jun 14, 2019 | Installation, Roofing
Slate Installation Hints Tricks of the Trade. 1) Felt the board roof deck with 30 lb felt, then chalk a line marking the top of each course of slate. 2) Attach your cant strip, nail your starter row, and begin slating. 3) Periodically leave a slate out and install a...